天泽盈丰员工职业沟通素养提升再上新台阶!--沟通与人际关系协调培训圆满落幕!发表时间:2018-12-19 19:09 天泽盈丰员工职业沟通素养提升再上新台阶” ——沟通与人际关系协调培训圆满落幕! The Professional Communication training 2018-10-21 16:00 2018年10月20日,为了进一步提升员工的职业沟通障碍识别能力,熟悉沟通要素,提升职业沟通素养,在公司领导及董事会的大力支持下,特邀惠州知名讲师赵兴刚老师在维也纳酒店格林童话分店对公司全体员工进行了为期1天的职业沟通与人际关系协调培训。 On October 20, 2018, the leader and directorate of Huizhou Techzen IOT Science & Technology Corporation, invited Huizhou famous lecturer Zhao Xinggang was conducted for training all employees of the company about vocational communication and interpersonal relationship coordination at the Vienna Hotel Grimm fairy tale branch A for a day. 赵老师现任国际促动师协会(中国)总会副会长和国际人力资源协会特聘专家讲师,为“我有好课程”大赛全国十强获得者和“我是好讲师”大赛最佳风采奖获得者,出版了《促动式领导力》,该著作极具行业影响力。 Mr. Zhao is the vice president of the WFA(China) and the l expert lecturer of International Human Resources Management Associtaion. He is the top 10 winner of the "I have a good course" contest and the "I am a good lecturer" contest.has published a book "Driven Leadership," and make a strong influence in the industry. 培训伊始,赵老师就沟通与人际关系协调能力在实际工作的重要性等作了激情不失引导性的开场白,为接下来的沟通与人际关系协调培训顺利开展奠下坚实的基础。 In the beginning of the training, Mr Zhao profoundly explained the importance of communication and interpersonal coordination skills in practical work, which has laid a solid foundation for the smooth development of the next communication and interpersonal coordination training. 赵兴刚老师在作开场白 本次培训的课程主要由沟通协调概述和风格、沟通协调与人际关系、倾听与提问的技巧、最佳的表达方式及案例分析组成。课程内容精炼但不失高效,赵老师语言诙谐,富有引导性,培训气氛活跃,笑声不断。 The training course consists of communication coordination overview and style, communication coordination and interpersonal relationship, listening and questioning skills, best expression and case analysis.The course content is refined but efficient, and Mr. Zhao's speech is humorous, guided, and the training atmosphere is active. 培训现场氛围 本次培训中,赵老师采取了小组研讨、案例分享、录像观摩等方式,透彻地诠释了如何有效沟通,引导学员尽可能在较短时间内掌握沟通的精髓。 In this training, he took a group discussion, case sharing, video observation and other methods, thoroughly explained how to communicate effectively, and guide the students to grasp the essence of communication in a short time. 在培训的结束之际,赵老师语重心长寄语:“要做好事,先做好人。处理不好人际关系,其实就是不懂做人之道,不懂得做人之道,反过来往往会直接或间接的妨碍自己的本职工作。我们作为一名工作人员,不论其职位高低,在对内对外沟通协调时,向内向外则要做到善待他人,随时站在别人的立场考量事情,主动地去关怀别人、帮助别人。” At the end of the training, Mr zhao said “we should learn to be a man before working”. If you don't deal with interpersonal relationships, it is actually that you don't know how to be a human being. It will directly or indirectly hinder your own work.As a staff, regardless of the position, when communicating internally and externally, we must be kind to others when we are inward and outward. We should always consider others in the standpoint of others and take the initiative to care for others and help others. 赵老师与天泽盈丰同事的合影 通过本次培训,进一步提升了天泽盈丰各位同事的沟通与人际关系协调素养,为接下来的工作扫清职业沟通障碍,促进了各位同事与公司协调发展。 Through this training, the communication and interpersonal relationship coordination of colleagues from Techzen corporation have been further enhanced, and the obstacles to professional communication have been cleared for the next work, and the development of colleagues and the company must been promoted. 同时,我们相信在公司领导、董事会的努力下,天泽盈丰公司的发展再上新台阶,迈向更加美好的明天!最后,让我们期待下一次精彩培训的到来,也希望公司各位同事继续保持高涨的学习热情,勇于超越自我。 At the same time, we believe that with the efforts of the company's leaders and the board of directors, Tianze Yingfeng's development will reach a new level and move towards a better tomorrow! Finally, let us look forward to the next wonderful training, and hope that the colleagues of the company will continue to maintain a high level of learning enthusiasm and be brave to surpass themselves. 本次全体人员培训合影 |